Two years ago, a group of Lake Bluff residents gathered acorns from some of our oldest and most magnificent oak trees. They were delivered to Majestic Oaks Nursery in Spring Grove, IL, where they have been growing into young oak trees.
The Trees
This fall, 3 gallon size trees will be available for sale at $35 each to cover their cost, delivery expense, and a donation to Lake Bluff Open Lands. They are around 2' to 3' tall.
Bur oaks were the most common trees in the forests that once covered Lake Bluff's land and they are magnificent trees. Some survive here in Lake Bluff from pre-settlement days. In Becky and Jerry Klutchka's back yard, two that are over 200 years old remain in great health and they supplied a bounty of acorns. These baby oaks are growing very vigorously, now almost 3' tall. Bur oaks are a stately tree that can grow to 80' in height. Distinctive features are deeply furrowed bark and chartreuse to coppery fall color.
Red Oaks have sold out!
How to Order
Orders will be taken during August and pre-payment is required, either via check, cash, Zelle or Venmo. On the order page, note your preferred method of payment and we will email specific instructions. Trees will be available for pickup in Lake Bluff on September 7; the final location will be shared by email.
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